ENUG 2013 Call for Proposals Extended
Ex Libris Northeast Users Group ENUG 2013 Meeting at University of Connecticut (UCON), Storrs, CT
Dates: October 10-11, 2013
Location: University of Connecticut (UCON), in Storrs, Connecticut
Campus Website: http://uconn.edu/
Call for Presentations
The Ex Libris Northeast Users Group (ENUG ) will meet October 10 – 11th in Connecticut (just east of Hartford). This will be the Thursday & Friday before Columbus Day.
We have a tradition of providing an excellent program to our participants along with an opportunity to network with your Ex Libris colleagues. We will, again, have Ex Libris representatives present to give product updates and answer questions.
Conference information is posted at http://e-nug.org/enug-2013/.
Information about past meetings is posted at http://emausers.org/legacy/.
Presentations at this meeting are given by users like you! Please consider contributing to the community of Ex Libris users in this way. Our strength is in our many different voices! We hope to see proposals covering a wide variety of the Ex Libris products, as well as broader topics relating to libraries and information systems.There will be a Presenter’s discount on registration costs.If you would like to discuss your ideas before submitting your proposal, please don’t hesitate to contact Kevin Collins. the chair (see contact info below). If you *think* you have a good idea, you probably do! It need not be flashy; if you worked on anything you found tricky or complicated, others may well also want to hear about those details. The conference’s success depends on the efforts of its participants. We need volunteers to share their experiences and expertise and help everyone become a more enlightened and effective Ex Libris product user. |
Topics: Proposals may cover any of the Ex Libris products, the interactions between them, and their interoperation with other systems. We are interested in users’ experiences of Alma, Aleph and ARC, Voyager, SFX, MetaLib, Verde, DigiTool, Rosetta (digital preservation system) and Primo. Proposals may also cover topics that relate to the wider development of library and information systems. For example:
- Innovative use of products
- Integration of products with each other or with external systems
- Experiences of latest releases of products
- Experiences with new products, e.g., Alma, Primo, Rosetta
- Authentication and authorization, e.g., PDS, Single Sign On, Shibboleth
- Follow up to sessions from last year’s meeting
- Next-generation systems
- Optimizing systems and maximizing resources
- Usability/accessibility of interfaces
- Consortia issues
- Alma, Aleph, Voyager, Metalib, SFX, Digitool, Verde, Primo specific sessions
- Improved workflows for cataloging, acquisitions, circulation or other areas
- OPAC customization
- Data mining and data warehousing
- Creating RSS feeds with Ex Libris data
- Complex publication patterns (or basic publication patterns training)
- Access or SQL report writing
- ILL module
- Media Scheduling
- Incorporation of open-source applications
- System administration tips and tricks
- Digitization
- Non product-specific, general topics
- Cataloging, Acquisitions, Circulation, SysAdmin roundtables
Please include the following information :
- Proposed presentation topic/title
- Proposed presenter’s name
- Presenter’s institution affiliation
- Presenter’s email address
- Presenter’s mailing address
- Presenter’s telephone and FAX numbers
- Description of the presentation
- Length or Presentation (30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 60 minutes)
- Presentation special requirements (e.g. beyond a computer/projector with Powerpoint)
Proposals may be submitted via this link:
Proposals will be reviewed by the ENUG Program Committee. Proposals submitted must be received no later than July 21st, 2013.